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Time till toplist reset: 4 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes


Where do i place the Voting HTML code?

Insert the HTML code on every page of your website if possible. We will then be able to track all hits and visitors to your website for accurate ranking.

You can vote twice per day, each 12 hours. Wwe really recommend you vote once every 12 hours because sometimes you enter wrong captcha and other things can go wrong as well, we have made tests that show that voting once every 12 hours instead of every 24 hours can give up to a 1/4 more votes.

No you cannot buy votes, but by becoming a premium member you will get free votes each month that will give you a good head start in rankings compared to other non-premium members!

If you want to advertise, visit our advertise page.

Yes, you can register your game server listing for free. You may optionally choose to pay for extra promotion for your server, but basic listings will always be free.

We have postback / callback script which rewards players when voting on our incentive page. We also provide page to test your callback and we have set guide. If you need any additional info with the callback feel free to contact us and we will be able to help you.

When we suspect a server of cheating, we instantly 'freeze' the votes of a server. This means the specific server cannot gain any new votes until we've discussed the situation with the server founder. When we've found legitimate proof of cheating, we don't just freeze the votes, but also remove the votes.

Visit our Advertise and Premium page, and get more players.

Just Contact Us with your category suggestion and we will try our best to add it.

To check via API whether a user has voted, the following link must be called:{SERVERID}/{USERID}/
{SERVERID} = The ID of the server within the top list
{USERID} = The ID of the account within the server database
Only true or false is output to reflect whether a reward should be granted or not.

To vote, users must use the following link:{SERVERID}/{USERID}/
{SERVERID} = The ID of the server within the top list
{USERID} = The ID of the account within the server database

It will return all votes every 2 weeks to have a fair and competitive top list.

Time till toplist reset: 4 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes